On September 24th this year, we held a day of seminars and workshops in Nottingham. We wanted to widen the discussion about Deaf people’s experience of wellbeing and health, and to explore how we can influence Health and Social services. We wanted to tell the story about the Nottinghamshire Deaf Wellbeing Group and help other people come together in other parts of the country to influence their local government services.
Dr Paddy Ladd gave a presentation about Deafhood and Deaf Health, which stimulated a lot of interest and debate. Lorna Allsop gave a presentation about the Heatlh of Deaf people based on research from the Deaf Studies Trust and Sign Health. In the workshops and seminars that followed the presentations, people from local Deaf communities discussed the presentations and explained how the important issues affected their lives.
We will be producing a report based on the day's presentations and discussions later. The presentations and discussions are shown below:
Paddy Ladd's presentation about Deafhood (about 1hr).
Lorna Allsop's presentation about Deaf Health. (35 minutes)
Christine and Yvonne present the feedback from the two discussion groups following Paddy's and Lorna's presentations.
Angelina Green, Gloria Pullen and Robin Ash explain the history of the Notts Deaf Wellbeing Action Group and the locak work of the British Deaf Association with the BSL Charter
Panel discussion and questions and answers from the audience.